Free messaging online dating sites

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I have been quite an active user on Oasis for the past few years. Men come and go. Until one day a guy with nickname Jiwa Muda liked me. We were the same faith so I said to myself, what the heck and liked him back. We started chatting but never had a proper conversation, both logged in at different times. One day he sent me a message and gave me his mobile number. Since then we have been communicating via WhatsApp. We fell in love. He decided to come to Malaysia and he did. He flew from Yogjakarta and reached Malaysia on March 1st. On March 4th, we got married! I found my love and so did he! I have been quite an active user on Oasis for the past few years. Men come and go. Until one day a guy with nickname Jiwa Muda liked me. We were the same faith so I said to myself, what the heck and liked him back. We started chatting but never had a proper conversation, both logged in at different times. One day he sent me a message and gave me his mobile number. Since then we have been communicating via WhatsApp. We fell in love. He decided to come to Malaysia and he did. He flew from Yogjakarta and reached Malaysia on March 1st. On March 4th, we got married! I found my love and so did he!

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